Friday 9th may. The 2o twenty jam took place this weekend at the massive indoor park called Transition extreme which i personally really love. The guys that joined me were Lee Boyle, Martyn Cooper and team mascot Big money Brian. We got there Friday morning and met up with johnny mingo of 20 twenty fame and Neil Keddie Alone and zeal Team rider at the airport. They took us straight to the park so we could get in to riding immediately. we met up with Gav Shorthall and shuan jinks from proper and rode with them for a bit, they are super nice guys. There was talk of going out Friday night but everyone bailed out in favour of TV and pizza at Neils place.
Contest day, We turned up quite late and saw the park being shredded by the 70's, 4 down and img teams also there was loads of really rad rider from all over Scotland ripping it up. we found out that the jam format was going to be run in distro teams which made for an easy time just riding with guys we new. Neil did a massive transfer line and put his mark on the skate park with his chain stay . si gibb blasted like he normally does even though he got hit by a car at the end of a rail in Athens Georgia 2 weeks ago. Big money did a load of fakie stuff,(backwards is the new forwards). Lee misraboyle did 1 manual over a block looped out and gave up riding the contest for some unknown reason???? Just not his day. All the teams killed it , it was a treat to watch Scott Ditchburn ride that guy is so gnar. I had to run the bowl contest as mingo had to go to the hospital to get his leg stitched up from a crash in the street event. not so many people entered this one as they were knackered from the street course, everyone rode real good and it was between Gav and Martyn, Gav had the flow and Martyn did all his banging trick like double whips and a shit load of lip trickery. So i asked a few people who they thought took the win and they all said Martyn, i didn't want to seem bias but he did kill it.
Saturday night, Went out met everyone in a boozer having a few then someone drops a glass and it seems to catch on , just like the good old days of Bmx gatherings. Anyway it all gets broken up by the cops and i here that Bas keep had to go to A&E to get some stitches in his hand from broken glass. we went to the tunnels for a bit where it was dead so we escaped from there with a bottle of after shock and cruised into the scream bar jumping the Que with the bottle in my pants.
after that i cant really remember what went on but good times were had by all.
Sunday, we wanted to go street riding but the weather was turning a bit crap so we ended up back at the park and we all learnt some new stunts. checking of the trick list with the zeal team has ME in stitches. End of the evening we said our good byes and packed the bikes up ready for home back to Luton airport. Flights were only £86 with bike. so i recomend it if you fancy taking in a great skate park.
All the guys up there that helped us out thank you so much and i hope to see you next year.
Ps: Try and not have it on my 2nd year anniversary though.
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